In a world of change Rotary has also needed to change. Our club has been no exception and over the past years we have looked to adjust things such as meeting schedules and the role of committees in order to meet the new reality and in order to try to better meet the needs of current and potential members.
An unintended consequence has been a gradual reduction in the amount of socialising and fellowship. The disruption caused by Covid 19 threw into sharp focus the importance of fellowship as part of a fully functioning Rotary club and there is hopefully going to be a groundswell of support for social activities and fellowship. The notion of arranging club meetings in a way that ensures that pre-meeting food and refreshments are enjoyed as a group was discussed at the recent club assembly. These kinds of discussions are never easy, as past traditions rub up against new possibilities, but ensuring that there is respectful and well informed debate and discussion is of course what all Rotarians would expect.
The above is of course a rather long winded introduction to a very brief report on the Community Committee social get together at Gorkha a Nepalese and Indian restaurant at Eastern Beach. A fine time was had by all in an evening which raised the spirits of all who attended. Certainly that event plus some very cordial Community Committee meetings has served to show newer Rotarians just what fun being a Rotarian can be.
I wait in anticipation for a flood of social reports from the other Committees.