Posted by Allan Vester on Apr 10, 2017
Tait Steele attended Outward Bound at Anakiwa and reported to the club about just what a life changing opportunity that was. Outward Bound has a focus on personal and group challenge and service, and Tait responded to those challenges very positively. Two challenges in particular stood out, the first being a problem with panic when rock climbing. Recognising that he had to overcome that, Tait plunged in headfirst and did the climb blind folded.
The second personal challenge occurred after an injury to his shoulders while on a kayaking trip on the Rai and Pelorous rivers, meaning he could no contribute fully to his watch. That meant that instead of leading from the front he needed to allow others to lead and help from behind. Being unable to complete the half marathon was a blow and rather than collect his Outward Bound completion certificate Tait has elected to complete the Christchurch half marathon and then return to Onikawa to collect the certificate.

With lifetime friends made, a changed attitude to service and a plan to try to do less things but to do the things he does do, better; Tait is another great example of the power of the Outward Bound experience. Pakuranga Rotary’s support for that adventure was acknowledged and appreciated.